Our Vision
Spirit led leaders leading Spirit filled worship.
As vision often does, the vision for Art of Worship came from a place of frustration.
We were asking questions like “Why is worship in our churches so dead when we are worshipping a living God?” We wondered, “How can we change the spirit of worship in the Korean Seventh-day Adventist church?”
We knew we couldn’t change people’s minds or heart. But what we soon realized is that the answer to changing the spirit of worship in our church was to raise up, train, and equip the next generation of worship leaders to, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, affect change and transofmration.
As we began to think and discuss about what could be and what should be a picture of a better future emerged. It was a picture of Spirit led leaders leading Spirit filled worship in their local church.
Our Strategy
A one-week event designed to inspire, equip, and grow the next generation of worship leaders.
It was the picture of Spirit lead leaders leading Spirit filled worship that created the framework for the annual AOW event.
We talked about what shaped and influenced us as pastors and worship leaders to view and experience worship they we did and it came down to three different things.
Exposure to different worship experiences
Learning and understanding what worship is
Receiving mentorship and training
From there our annual worship training event was born where we dedicate one week to experiencing God in worship, learning about worship, and growing in our ability to lead worship.